Temporomandibular Dysfunction
A dysfunction that refers to disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ), jaw/facial muscles & dental structure. TMJ may also be caused by tension of the cervical and thoracic spine and shoulder muscles aka, Craniomandibular Dysfunction (CMD).

Common Symptoms Include:
- Pain in facial, neck,
shoulder muscles. - Tenderness, clicking,
popping, locking of TMJ. - Clenching, bruxism
(grinding) of the jaw. - Decreased ROM of the
neck and jaw. - Tinnitus, dizziness
- Headaches, fatigue,
anxiety and depression.
Treatment Includes: Determining cause of TMJ/CMD and to treat accordingly. Physical therapy includes a comprehensive evaluation and establishing a treatment plan to improve/restore normal function of the neck and jaw. Treatments include biofeedback/ neuromuscular re-education, relaxation techniques, diaphragmatic breathing, exercises to improve ROM & strength, jaw stabilization, manual therapy (STM, MFR, TP) and joint mobilization. Posture & ergonomic training and oral habit awareness to reduce clenching & grinding habits.
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